College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy

Why a Master's Degree?

Plan ahead join our graduate program now

Beginning in 2022, baccalaureate degree programs are no longer enrolling students. Students interested in becoming an athletic trainer will need to enter into a graduate program. The decision to move from a baccalaureate degree program to a master’s degree program to enter the profession was endorsed by the Athletic Training Strategic Alliance in 2015.

If you've not yet completed your undergraduate degree, you can pursue an accelerated undergraduate degree in clinical and rehabilitation sciences (pre-athletic training) at Manchester, along with a Master of Athletic Training degree, and earn both degrees in just five years – a process that would normally take six. Some students prefer the traditional path that includes four years of undergraduate study, including student-athletes who intend to maintain four years of athletic eligibility.

So whether you’ve already completed a bachelor’s degree or haven’t started college yet at the undergraduate level, that makes Manchester an excellent choice if you’re planning a career in athletic training!