College of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy


Marvin L. Bittinger Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Mathematics Classroom

Program Opportunities


In today’s world, few things are more certain than the increasing importance of mathematics and related sciences to a functioning modern society. Manchester University recognizes that, and meets today’s needs of with relevant opportunities in a field that is constantly expanding itself.

The mathematics minor is for students who are planning for a career that involves math or want to be a math teacher. If you’re majoring in a computationally intensive field, such as software engineering, physics, engineering science, chemistry or economics, minoring in math can help you build your credentials.

Entering students take a placement test in mathematics as part of new student orientation. The test results in conjunction with other criteria are used to place students in an appropriate course. Advanced placement credit in calculus is possible for students who have an especially strong background in mathematics. 

Program Highlights

  • As a mathematics minor, you’ll learn to analyze a wide variety of mathematical problems, and understand and apply relevant theory.
  • You’ll study the theoretical foundations of mathematics, such as calculus, discrete structures, geometry, and analysis.
  • You’ll also learn the tools of mathematical applications, including statistics, mathematical programming, differential equations, and scientific computing.

Why Manchester?

Amidst a global technology explosion, students studying mathematics and technology today may end up in future careers that don’t even exist yet. With Manchester’s curriculum that puts an emphasis on core skills: theoretical and critical thinking, problem solving and the development of good communication skills, you’ll be prepared for any direction your career path takes you.