Admission to Teacher Education
Students should plan to complete admission requirements in order to be formally admitted to the Teacher Education Program by the end of the sophomore year. The following criteria must be met:
- Teacher candidates must take Praxis I, submit their SAT/ACT scores, or complete the Reading and Math CORE courses in 240 Tutoring and submit same to the Clinical Experience and Assessment Coordinator.
- If standardized test scores are lower than national average, student will meet with the Director of Teacher Education to come up with a plan of action to build on their reading, writing or math skills in order to be more prepared for licensure tests. Our Department uses 240 Tutoring as a remediation tool.
- Teacher candidates must have a 2.5 GPA in their overall course work, as well as a 2.75 in their major.
- Teacher candidates’ department of their major complete an approval rubric.
- Teacher candidates attend one Celebrating Diversity Workshop offered in both the fall and spring semesters; within two weeks of attending, candidates must write a reflection and submit it to the Clinical Experience and Assessment Coordinator.
- Teacher candidates must receive a C or higher in any required EDUC courses except for EDUC 111. If a teacher candidate receives a C- or lower in a required EDUC course, with the exception of EDUC 111, they must retake it, earning a C or higher, to gain entry into the Teacher Education Program or remain in the Teacher Education Program if they have already been admitted.
- Teacher candidates must be in good standing with Residential Life.
- Schedule and complete a sophomore interview with a faculty member of the Education Department.
Admission to Student Teaching
During fall semester of the student's junior year, the application for student teaching must be completed. The criteria for approval of the student teaching request are:
- Completion of the application process, including a student teaching interview with the Director of Teacher Education.
- Completion of all requirements for admission to the teacher education program.
- A cumulative grade point average of 2.50 for all courses taken at Manchester University.
- A GPA of 2.75 in the major.
- Satisfactory disposition rubrics and clinical experience evaluations.
- Approval from the Office of Student Life.
Students must have met all the criteria listed above by the completion of January session of the year prior to student teaching in order to be considered for a student teaching placement. All applications for student teaching are acted upon by the Teacher Education Committee during spring semester of the year prior to student teaching. Final approval for student teaching is granted by methods course teachers. After approval for student teaching is granted, GPA (grade point average) and ITM (index in the teaching major) requirements, as well as positive disposition and clinical experience feedback, must be maintained or the approval will be withdrawn.