Gabby Anglin (Student Senate President) and Virginia Rendler (MU Amnesty International Chapter President)

Resolution approved Feb. 27, 2019 by the Student Senate of Manchester University:

WHEREAS there are more refugees in the world today than at any time in recorded history, and half of the world’s refugees are children;

WHEREAS refugees are fleeing armed conflict and persecution in Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Central America, and other regions;

WHEREAS more than half of the world’s refugees are hosted by only ten countries, and many of these countries do not have adequate resources to keep refugees fed, housed, or safe;

WHEREAS the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has determined that 1.2 million refugees are in need of immediate resettlement, but fewer than 150,000 resettlement places are available worldwide; 

WHEREAS refugees who need to be resettled include torture survivors, people with severe medical conditions, LGBT+ individuals, orphaned children, and at-risk women and children – all of whom cannot return home and cannot stay in their host country due to their extreme vulnerability;

WHEREAS in 2016, there were only 36 countries in the world that resettled refugees, and the U.S. took in the largest number;

WHEREAS we applaud the historic, bi-partisan tradition of the United States in welcoming refugees, in keeping with our country’s values and respect for human rights;

WHEREAS refugees undergo a security vetting process that is lengthy, extremely detailed, and very safe, involving multiple law enforcement and intelligence agencies to come to the U.S.;

WHEREAS the current administration capped refugee admissions to the historically low number of 45,000 for 2018, having already slashed refugee admissions to around 51,000 in 2017, compared to 85,000 in 2016; 

WHEREAS, the U.S. is no longer welcoming refugees in same way, leaving refugees stranded and at risk of harm and even death, with no home to go to; 

WHEREAS the students of Manchester University include individuals from all parts of the world who represent many cultures and celebrate diversity and welcome all people; 

WHEREAS over 20 countries are represented on our campus;

WHEREAS these diverse students have enriched Manchester University through sports, academics, sciences, and arts; 

WHEREAS the school community welcomes and benefits from students from around the world;

RESOLVED, the student body of Manchester University welcomes refugees and declares its support for the resettlement of refugees no matter their religion, race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or country of origin, in Northern Indiana and calls upon other Indiana communities to join them in supporting a stronger national effort to resettle the world’s most vulnerable refugees.