COVID-19 Response Updates

March 20, 2020

From: McFadden, David F. <>
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 4:46 PM

Dear MU Community,

It has been a long and challenging week for all of us as we adapt to new routines and learn new ways of doing things. I know that the end of the week doesn’t mean an end to the work many of us are doing. Faculty are preparing to teach in new ways, student life teams are helping students move out of residence halls and many are setting up to work from home. With that in mind, I hope you will find time in the next few days to take a deep breath.

In case you don’t see the earlier email from me, we are extending the date for colleagues to return to our campuses to at least May 15, which marks the end of spring semester. As we learn more about the spread of COVID-19, we feel this extension will help reduce anxiety among colleagues and help them plan their routines and family responsibilities.

Student financial information

We’ve just sent an email to our North Manchester students about room and board credits for the last part of the spring semester. We will apply credits to any balances that students still owe and then offer them several choices if they have a remaining credit balance. If students ask you about any of that, have them email

Keeping us connected

Brandee Estes shared that another university is using Microsoft Teams to help colleagues stay connected in more informal ways while they work remotely. She and her group are going to develop some ways for us to do that as well and will share ideas as they develop. I know others are using Facebook, Zoom and other ways of staying connected. Wonderful! I encourage you to be mindful of, and invite in, those outside your regular social groups, particularly those whose primary contacts are the colleagues they have on campus.

Business office functions

You can expect an email from Clair Knapp regarding P-cards, invoices and other routine business functions. We will be adapting our usual procedures and they will keep you up to date on how we can best work together in new ways.

Supporting students through The Manchester Fund

Even in good economic times, we know there are students who experience food insecurity, and the coming weeks will exacerbate that situation for some. Additionally, the regional food bank that normally supplies our food pantry will not be delivering to MU for the time being. Therefore, we will be asking our alumni and friends to consider that need when they make gifts to The Manchester Fund. The fund helps Manchester meet many of its pressing needs, and we can use that resource to help students get through this difficult time. If you know students in need, let us know.

That’s a good segue for all of us to remember the importance of kindness and compassion in the weeks ahead. Stay strong and healthy, and thank you for all that you are doing to give the world more Manchester graduates.


Dave McFadden

Manchester University


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