Seven Manchester University students working for the
Oak Leaves received awards at the recent Indiana Collegiate Press Association conference in Indianapolis:
First Place: Best News or Feature Series
Cleopatra Castanias, “New Classroom for CETL Promotes Active Learning”
Wayne Smith, “MU Grad, Educator Funds NEW CETL Classroom; Enhances Student Learning”
Third Place: Best News or Feature Series
Destinee Boutwell, “Students Prepare for Study Abroad”
Jensen Lassiter, “Students Study in New Zealand”
Kaity Collins, “Japanese Professor Encourages Students to Study Abroad”
Third Place: Best Non-Deadline News Story
Kelleen Cullison, “FYS Class Leads Bee Awareness Week”
Third Place: Best Photo Essay
William Southern, “Harvest Festival”
A photo of student Haylee Parrish taken in Japan was featured in the awards booklet. When Haylee graduates this spring, she will move to Japan and teach English.
April 2018