About Manchester
Oak Leaves Awards 2018

Oak Leaves staff rakes in awards

Seven Manchester University students working for the Oak Leaves received awards at the recent Indiana Collegiate Press Association conference in Indianapolis:

First Place: Best News or Feature Series
Cleopatra Castanias, “New Classroom for CETL Promotes Active Learning”
Wayne Smith, “MU Grad, Educator Funds NEW CETL Classroom; Enhances Student Learning”

Third Place: Best News or Feature Series
Destinee Boutwell, “Students Prepare for Study Abroad”
Jensen Lassiter, “Students Study in New Zealand”
Kaity Collins, “Japanese Professor Encourages Students to Study Abroad”

Third Place: Best Non-Deadline News Story
Kelleen Cullison, “FYS Class Leads Bee Awareness Week”

Third Place: Best Photo Essay
William Southern, “Harvest Festival”

A photo of student Haylee Parrish taken in Japan was featured in the awards booklet. When Haylee graduates this spring, she will move to Japan and teach English.
April 2018