MU Alert: Jan. 31, 2022, 11:28 a.m.
North Manchester campus building closures/class cancellations: Refer to email for details.
Because of a water main break, water will be shut off effective immediately in ACEN, Calvin Ulrey, Maintenance, Power House, Winger, Clark, chapel and the library.
The following will have no classes/access effective noon today and until further notice: ACEN, Sisters Cafe, Wilbur’s, Calvin Ulrey, Maintenance, Power House, Winger Hall, Clark, Petersime Chapel and Funderburg Library. Students with classes/activities in these locations should look for emails from their professors regarding future classes. All other classes/activities/online classes in buildings not listed will proceed as scheduled.
The Registrar’s office will be temporarily relocated to Chinworth 104.
COVID testing will also be temporarily related to Chinworth first floor.
Oakwood residents: You will have no water in your restrooms or kitchens. Further information to come from Residential Life as to how to proceed.