Weekly Update - November 12

From: Van Vlerah, Abagail L <ALVanVlerah@manchester.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 9:26 AM
To: All Colleagues <AllColleagues@manchester.edu>
Subject: Weekly Update - Nov 12


Dear Colleagues,

I wish I could say things were better, but Indiana and the nation are seeing a rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.

The good news for Manchester is that we had zero positives in this week’s round of student testing. It now appears almost certain that we’ll make it to Thanksgiving break, when most undergraduate students return home at least through January and all of our students on both campuses move to remote learning.

In his weekly briefing, Gov. Eric Holcomb pulled back from Stage 5 of Indiana’s original reopening plan and placed tighter restrictions on the size of social gatherings, excluding churches. He also implored Hoosiers to comply with the state mask mandate and asked businesses to help enforce it.

Hospitalizations are at an all-time high and climbing, Holcomb said. We all need to do our part to protect hospitals so that frontline health care workers can protect everyone who needs care.

Detailed information about COVID-19 in Indiana is available here. The state plans to issue specific guidelines next week regarding the upcoming holidays.

As we move into the holiday season and colder weather that keeps us inside, I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is to remain vigilant. Wear masks, social distance and wash your hands.

You do not need to have COVID symptoms to be COVID-positive and spread the virus to others.

If you have any questions about whether you should work at home or what your on-campus presence should be, please email health@manchester.edu and talk with your supervisor to determine what’s best for your office or department.

In addition, I am attaching the forms you received before the beginning of fall semester. The Daily Work Log will help you keep track of the people you come into contact with and will greatly assist with contact tracing if you are exposed to the virus. The Personal Checklist will help guide your next steps if you don’t feel well or develop any COVID-like symptoms.

If at any point you want to be tested, the number of sites seems to be increasing, including the CVS in North Manchester.

As Dave always says, be well and stay safe.



Abby Van Vlerah, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Vice President of Student Life
604 E. College Ave.
North Manchester, IN 46962
 E: alvanvlerah@manchester.edu