
Give a gift for Pathways

Your generous gifts help to keep Pathways alive!

The Pathways program at Manchester University is changing the lives of MU students, giving them the opportunity to volunteer and serve others in great need. This innovative program offers ways that Manchester University students can serve and learn about service to others.

Lilly Endowment, Inc. awarded Manchester University with the initial funding for Pathways in 2001 as a part of the Theological Explorations of Vocation (TEV) program. Since then, Manchester University has not only transformed TEV into Pathways, but has also been charged with matching this Lilly Endowment funding for future programming. Since the end of the 2009-2010 academic year, the Pathways program has been self-sustaining. By giving a financial gift to Pathways, you will be an integral part in providing these "once in a lifetime" service opportunities to Manchester University students.

Would YOU like to donate?

There are two ways to donate to Pathways at Manchester University.

1) By check, made out to Manchester University with "Pathways" in the memo line. Send to the following address:

Ali Goetcheus, Pathways Program
Manchester University
604 E. College Ave.

North Manchester, IN 46962

(If you would like to sponsor a specific student, please indicate that student's name on the memo line, also.)

2) By either credit or debit card using "Click Here to Donate" button below.

***Your online tax-deductible donation by credit or debit card is guaranteed to be secure.

Primary Contact for Pathways Donations:

Ali Goetcheus, Director of Center for Service Opportunities
Calvin Ulrey Hall
Phone: 260-982-5721
Send an Email

Note: If you are overseas and would like to send your Pathways donation by wire, please contact Ali Goetcheus to make arrangements.